Contributed by Tom Brooking, Posted 11/10/22: A group of NYS sturgeon researchers held a very informative workshop on October 18, 2022 at the Cornell University Biological Field Station on Oneida Lake, NY. The meeting was organized by Scott Schlueter from the USFWS and Lisa Holst from NYS DEC Central Office. About 30 researchers attended the workshop, including representatives from NYS DEC Regions 6, 7, 8, 9, Central Office, and Oneida Hatchery, along with the USFWS, USGS, Cornell University, SUNY ESF, Vermont FWD, and NY Sea Grant. Participants reviewed progress on recent sturgeon research activities from Oneida Lake, Onondaga Lake, Black Lake, Cayuga Lake, Seneca/Oswego Rivers, Oswego Harbor, Black River Bay, Genesee River, Niagara River, Lake Erie, and Lake Champlain. A review of the sturgeon egg take at the St. Lawrence River was presented, along with hatchery rearing summaries (both DEC and federal USFWS hatcheries) and stocking updates. NY Sea Grant also provided a review of lake sturgeon outreach and the Sturgeon Celebrations from 2022. Attendees commented that the meeting was extremely helpful and informative, and indicated the interaction between the many different cooperating agencies was very useful. The breadth of lake sturgeon research and activities within NY State remains impressive!