On Oct. 20, 2019 at Cazenovia College, IWLA Regional Trainer Gary Lipp led a group of 22 in a Creek Freaks training workshop. We started in the lab learning about the value of macroinvertebrates as bioindicators, macroinvertebrate group identification and characteristics, and proper use of a kick seine. Then after a lunch provided by the IWLA, we proceeded to a study site on Chittenango Creek where we worked our way through the three types of monitoring protocols: physical, chemical, and finally a grand finale of kick-seined macros that included nymphs and larvae of mayflies, stoneflies, craneflies, dobsonflies, watersnipeflies, riffle beetles, and more.
Participants included teachers from several school districts (Fayetteville-Manlius, Nottingham H.S. [Syracuse City S.D.], and Oneida), IWLA-Rome, Fort Drum, and the Environmental Biology Program at Caz College.
Tagged Under: Creak Freaks 2019