2022 New York Native Freshwater Mussel Identification Workshop
Jenny Landry, NYSDEC Region 8 Bureau of Ecosystem Health Manager
Amy Mahar, NYSDEC Wildlife Biologist
Kurt Jirka, Cornell University Department of Natural Resources and the Environment
Eileen Randall, Cornell University Department of Natural Resources and the Environment
Workshop Dates: August 29 – 30, 2022
Registration Deadline: August 24, 2022 (https://newyork.fisheries.org/2022-musselworkshop-reg/)
Cost: Chapter members $25; Non-members $50
Capped at 25 attendees – do not delay!
Workshop Description:
This workshop will begin midday on Monday, August 29 with a half day of in-classroom training. We will then spend another half day on Tuesday, August 30, in a creek full of mussels to learn field collection techniques and practice newly learned identification skills!
Freshwater pearly mussels are among the most imperiled groups of animals in North America and approximately ⅔ – ¾ of the 300 freshwater mussel species native to North America are extinct, listed as endangered or threatened, or are in need of conservation status. Proper identification is key to successful conservation and regulatory efforts.
Our instructors have years of experience identifying, surveying, and studying mussels in New York State.
In this workshop they will provide an introduction to New York’s freshwater mussels and will focus on techniques for identification, important shell features, and species-specific differences. This workshop will cover mussels from all of New York’s watersheds and include species habitat preferences, life-history, anatomy, conservation status, and threats. Hands-on exercises (in the classroom and in the field!) with New York State shell material will help participants hone their identification skills. Participants will also have the opportunity to test their newly acquired skills with a voluntary open-book practicum (fun, not scary).
The classroom portion of the workshop will be held at DEC’s Avon office (6274 East Avon-Lima Road, Avon, NY 14414). Please make hotel reservations on your own.
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