A tribute to Bill Gordon
Bill Gordon made a memorable mark while a fisheries biologist at NYSDEC at Watertown, and his life ended November 2021 after enduring episodes of cancer. He was in the Region 6 Fisheries Unit for 30 years, then took a promotion to be wildlife manager for DEC in 2006, and he completed his career in 2010. Bill was a very committed field biologist for management of Adirondack trout ponds, managing and protecting fisheries in the Raquette River and for other aquatic resources in St. Lawrence County. Bill worked closely with his colleagues from Cornell University on wild brook trout research and management in the Adirondacks. He served as Program Chairman for New York Chapter AFS, contributed oral and poster programs to the New York Chapter AFS and to the national AFS meetings and encouraged young professionals to work diligently. Also, he was president of our Chapter in 2003-04.