Tag Archives: annual meeting

Reminder – 2022 annual meeting (virtual) is coming up on March 9-11th

Hello New York Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Members! This is a reminder that the 2022 annual meeting is coming up on March 9-11th. You can still register until Monday 3/7/22 for this free virtual meeting here: https://newyork.fisheries.org/2022-registration-page/ There is no fee for registration although we ask that you pay your annual membership dues... Read More

NYC AFS – Executive Committee Nominations

We are now seeking nominations for the following executive committee positions: President-Elect: A three-year term including one year each as President-Elect, President, and Past-President. As president-elect, nominees would organize and run the raffle. As president they would convene quarterly meetings, organize the annual meeting, and represent the chapter at divisional and national meetings. As past-president, responsibilities... Read More

AFS membership with our parent society and NYS chapter

Please renew your AFS membership with our parent society and NYS chapter (https://fisheries.org/membership/join/) when you register for this year’s meeting (https://newyork.fisheries.org/annual-meeting/). Our chapter dues provide great value and when you pay your membership through our parent society we get a little extra from them! The value your dues provide are to reduce meeting attendance costs... Read More

2022 annual meeting (virtual) is coming up on March 9-11th

Hello New York Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Members! This is a reminder that the 2022 annual meeting is coming up on March 9-11th.  You can register for this free virtual meeting here: https://newyork.fisheries.org/2022-registration-page/ There is no fee for registration although we ask that you pay your annual membership dues and adhere to guidelines for... Read More