Join DEC’s Hudson River Estuary Program for a virtual Women in Science Winter Speaker Series, six free webinars which take place January – March 2022. Meet and learn from scientists, community leaders, and environmental educators who work at the intersection of research, education, and environmental justice. Topics covered during the six sessions include water quality research, dam removal, field-based learning, and overcoming barriers and challenges in the field of science and education. The first webinar begins January 5. The speaker series is presented in partnership with NEIWPCC. For more information, visit DEC’s Hudson River Estuary Program website.
The six webinars include:
- Predicting Sewage Pollution Persistence in the Hudson River Estuary, presented by Elise Mckenna Myers, Ph.D.
Find out if it is safe to swim in the Hudson River.
Jan. 5, 3-4 p.m. | Learn more and register
- Demolishing Dams and Stereotypes, with Laura Wildman, P.E.
Meet the women who are removing dams and restoring our rivers.
Jan. 26, 3-4 p.m. | Learn more and register
- A Love Affair in STEM, with Shihadah “Shay” Saleem.
Learn how a Black woman’s love of marine science blossomed into a holistic passion for STEM education, empowerment, and community elevation for New York City youth.
Feb. 2, 3-4 p.m.| Learn more and register
- Field-Based Learning Connects and Empowers Students, with Margie Turrin. Explore how youth on the Hudson and in Greenland are working to bring hands-on, intergenerational learning into their education.
Feb. 16, 3-4 p.m.| Learn more and register
- Turning Data Into Action, with Tracy Brown. Hear about ways that scientists and advocates are working together to bring about a cleaner environment while letting data tell the story.
March 2, 3-4 p.m.| Learn more and register
- Reaching Local Communities With Equity, Access, and Inclusion in Environmental Education, with Eli Caref. Learn how bringing more equity and inclusion into the environmental field is the best way to reach our communities.
March 9, 3-4 p.m.| Learn more and register