The New York Chapter of the American Fisheries Society is offering student “travel” awards to attend their annual meeting, March 9-11th, 2022. The meeting’s theme is “Fishing the Canyons: From Skyscrapers to the NY Bight. These awards have historically been given to promote student research and facilitate student interaction with the fish and aquatic community in New York and the surrounding region by supporting travel to the annual meeting. We encourage all students to apply regardless of the stage of their research. Project idea talks are often well received. High school, undergraduate, or graduate students presenting either an oral presentation or poster are eligible. Award decisions are based on application answers, abstract clarity, and content. Even though this year’s meeting is virtual, these awards will include a one-year membership to the American Fisheries Society, a one-year NY Chapter membership, and a $150 check. Recipients are asked to attend the virtual business meeting (March 11th) to accept their award.
Presentations on any topic are welcome for the contributed sessions.
Application (3 parts):
- Pick an issue or problem in fisheries that interests you. In 400 words, describe the issue and two different positions or perspectives of stakeholders, management or anyone involved in the issue. (examples: harvest allocation: commercial vs sport fishers, stocking nonnative species, overfishing, water diversion)
- List one individual that works in the north eastern fisheries & aquatic community that you would like to talk to at the meeting and why. This must be someone you do not currently work with or study with. This person does not have to be attending the meeting and could be a graduate student, agency scientist, technician, or professor. (200 words).
- Your submitted presentation which includes: title, abstract, authors, author affiliations.
Application Form is online through our Awards page.
Questions: Susan Cushman, Student Subunit Chair, [email protected]
Application Deadline: February 25, 2022
If submitting more than one presentation to the meeting, please pick only one to use in your travel award
Make sure you receive a confirmation from [email protected] that your application was received.
Applicants must also submit their abstracts in the online registration, applying for this award does not register you or your presentation for the meeting!
About the Klumb-Spindler Travel Award:
The New York fisheries community lost two beloved colleagues in 2013. Dr. Robert Klumb, the lead research biologist for the USFWS Great Lakes Plains Office, and Maegan Spindler, a USFWS technician, had just finished a 12-hour day of fish sampling on the Missouri River when they were killed by a drunk driver. Maegan grew up in central New York and received a bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Science from SUNY-ESF while Rob, a Milwaukee Wisconsin native, received his PhD from Cornell University working on Alewife bioenergetics. Both were active in the New York Chapter and this award commemorates their dedication to fostering student involvement in the New York fisheries and aquatic community.