Wildlife Biologist – 3
West Virginia Division of Natural Resources
738 Ward Road
Elkins, West Virginia 26241
The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (WVDNR) plans to fill a Wildlife Biologist -3 position in
the Elkins Operations Center in Randolph County. This notification is being circulated to inform
prospective applicants of this opportunity and allow applicants to submit application materials to the
West Virginia Division of Personnel (WVDOP). You must be on the WVDOP register to be considered
for this position.
This position serves as program leader for the Aquatic Community Assessment and Restoration
Program. This statewide program conducts inventories, classifies, and monitors aquatic habitats and
associated aquatic species to determine the health of West Virginia’s streams. Information collected is
used to inform management and/or mitigation recommendations for all aquatic resources. The program
emphasizes West Virginia’s fish species in greatest need of conservation as identified in the State
Wildlife Action Plan.
Location: Elkins Operations Center
738 Ward Road
Elkins, WV 26241
Salary: $38,997 to $72,144
Minimum Qualifications: (Applicants must meet these to qualify for register placement)
- TRAINING: Training: Master of Science degree from an accredited college or university with
a major in fish management and/or biology, fish culture, aquatic biology, ichthyology
Preference will be given to educational and field experience as related to specific job
postings, and - EXPERIENCE: Three years of full-time or equivalent part-time paid experience in wildlife or
fishery management or related fields. - SUBSTITUTION: Doctorate of Philosophy degree from an accredited college or university
with a major in wildlife or fisheries management and biology, fish culture, conservation biology, natural resources, aquatic biology, botany, biological sciences or environmental sciences. - SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: A valid West Virginia driver’s license is required.
May be required to obtain a commercial driver’s license. Skill in swimming, scuba diving, snorkeling, rock-climbing, caving, rappelling and/or conducting fieldwork under a variety of conditions is preferred.
Duties and Responsibilities:
This position manages a Wildlife Diversity Unit program whose goal is the inventory, monitoring,
restoration, and conservation of nongame fish species and aquatic habitats in West Virginia. The
employee supervises program personnel who collect data in the field and compile information from
WVDNR scientific collecting permit reports. Program databases containing data on the biology and
distribution of species are maintained with emphasis on Species of Greatest Conservation Need.
The employee designs and implements research projects and long-term monitoring programs to fill data
gaps and obtain population trend information on nongame fishes. This information will be used to
assess population status, identify conservation priorities, and develop conservation strategies. The
position works with agency staff and partners to develop habitat and species recovery and restoration
As program manager the incumbent develops work plans and secures funding through federal aid and
non-federal sources (i.e. mitigation compensation). Annual and interim performance reports are
The employee must be familiar with state natural resource laws and certain federal laws (Endangered
Species Act, Clean Water Act, etc.) and be able to provide expert opinion to state and federal law
enforcement officers and regulatory staff. This person reviews proposed projects (including road
construction, hydro-electric energy, timber harvesting, gas development, etc.) and works with project
proponents and agency (in-house and other agencies) to develop recommendations to minimize or
avoid impacting fish populations or degrading habitat.
Where impacts may occur, the employee works closely with state, federal, and private entities to ensure
compliance with state and federal laws and regulations, recommends project modifications that will
eliminate or minimize impacts, and suggests potential mitigation for unavoidable impacts. The position
represents the WVDNR on regional and national committees addressing fish conservation on a broader
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:
• Expertise on the identification, distribution, ecology, and zoogeography of Appalachian fish
fauna is required.
• Knowledge of fish and aquatic habitat conservation practices is required.
• Familiarity with fish propagation, husbandry, and hatchery operation is desirable.
• Demonstrated ability to design and execute an effective and safe statewide fish collecting
program is required.
• Knowledge of safe fish voucher collection, preservation, and storage is necessary.
• Demonstrated experience supervising professional and technical staff in field, lab, and office
settings is preferred.
• Demonstrated ability in managing and analyzing large spatial and tabular datasets is required.
• Familiarity with MS Office (Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint) and ARCMAP is required.
• Familiarity with West Virginia natural resource and environmental laws and the Federal Clean
Water Act is preferred.
• Knowledge of aquatic invasive plants and animals is preferred.
• Familiarity with the responsibilities and organization of other agencies (US Fish and Wildlife
Service, US Forest Service, US Army Corps of Engineers, WV Department of Protection) is
• Familiarity with Natural Heritage Methodology and information standards is preferred.
• Strong organizational skills and excellent written and oral communication skills are required.
• Demonstrated experience developing and presenting scientific information in programs for
citizen groups, agency personnel, people in various industries, and to professional/technical
groups is essential.
• Demonstrated experience developing grant proposals, especially federal grants, and managing
grants (budgeting, reporting, etc.) preferred.
• Experience in developing/reviewing species management plans, habitat management plans,
species status assessments, and recovery plans is preferred.
For Information:
• For more information regarding this position you may contact Kieran O’Malley at (304) 637-
0245 or by email at Kieran.M.O’[email protected]
• For information regarding application procedures you may contact the West Virginia Division of
Personnel at (304) 558-3950 or at http://www.personnel.wv.gov
To Apply:
• This vacancy will be advertised both inside and outside of state government.
• Non-government applicants must submit a state job application and required documentation
(transcripts, certifications, etc.) required for the Wildlife Biologist 3 position.
1. Go to http://www.personnel.wv.gov
2. Click on “Jobs Open for Application”.
3. Scroll down and click on the Wildlife Biologist job title.
4. Click the “Apply” link located on the right side of the page next to the Print Job
Information link.
5. The first time you do this you will be asked to create an account and an application.
6. Make sure your application is completely filled out and your qualifications are detailed.
7. To be considered for this job opportunity, you must submit a copy of an official
transcript or diploma to the WVDOP before the closing date for this job posting (if you
have not already done so.) This can be attached to your application online or submitted
via e-mail to [email protected]
• Interested applicants should submit their applications online as soon as possible.
• All applications for this position will be reviewed within one to two weeks after the closing
date. Qualifying applicants will be placed on the Division of Personnel register for this position.