Creek Freaks Educator Training Workshop

Creek Freaks Educator* Training Workshop
Sun., Oct. 20, 9 am-5 pm, at Cazenovia College

*appropriate for high school and older

CREEK FREAKS introduces participants to a basic overview of stream ecology, guidance on how to manage the logistics of conducting on-going youth programs, and hands-on training in conducting activities from the Creek Freaks curriculum, including hands-on classroom activities and biological, chemical, and physical stream monitoring in the field. Participants will also learn how to use the interactive website, which allows educators and students to post data, photos, videos, and stories about their streams.

To register, please email your contact information to [email protected]
Registration is free and includes the curriculum, materials, and lunch (courtesy of The Izaak Walton League of America).

The offering of this free educator training event is a collaboration among The Izaak Walton League of America, NYS Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, NYS Parks’ FORCES program, and the Environmental Biology Program at Cazenovia College.