The Sagamore Resort – February 5 – 7, 2025
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS – The deadline for Abstract submission (oral presentations and poster presentations) is January 17th, 2025.
This year’s theme is “The Life Aquatic with NYCAFS: An exploration of fisheries science, management, and connectivity”
We are looking forward to receiving your abstract submissions within this theme and beyond!
- Deadline to Submit Abstracts is Friday, January 17, 2025.
- Please prepare abstracts to include title, author(s), presenting author (indicate if student), and abstract (<200 words).
- Use a brief descriptive title and avoid acronyms or scientific names in the title unless the common name is not widely known
- Please select the type of abstract (Oral Presentation vs Poster Presentation) you are submitting.
- Oral Presentations will be 20 minutes in length (~15 minutes plus ~5 minutes for questions).
- Posters must be 36” x 48” Landscape Orientation and can have a have a rigid backer such as cardboard or a poster backing board to fit properly on the easels.
- Student Presentations and Posters will be judged for Best Student Oral Presentation and Best Student Poster Presentation Awards.
Presenters will be notified of their abstract acceptance by January 27th, 2025.
Presenters will be notified of their abstract acceptance. Please contact Chapter President Jessica Best at [email protected] and/or the Program Committee at emails below with any questions.
Program Committee:
ElizaBeth Streifeneder (Program Chair): [email protected]
Alec Milucky (Program Chair): [email protected]
Tagged Under: annual meeting, Event