Happy New Year my fellow NY Chapter AFS Members and Friends!
The 2019 Annual Meeting is only a month away and the final preparations are being checked off the list. As your Chapter President-elect, I am charged with coordinating and gathering items to raffle off during our evening banquet. The funds from the raffle support the NY Chapter student travel program and we are looking to our members for contributions.
Do you have any of the following in your home, office, or lab?
- Fishing or outdoor gear in good condition that you don’t use anymore…
- Older sampling equipment you don’t use anymore…
- Classic fishy reference books on your [dusty] shelf…
- Fishy related artwork! We know there are artists in the crowd!
- Unwanted items from the holidays you don’t have time to return, but would like to re-gift!
- Anything else you can think of…
If you have any of these items and would like to contribute, please contact me (Susan Cushman [email protected])!
Finally, if you represent an agency, institute, or non-profit that might be willing to make a donation, or know of a company that would supply an in-kind gift certificate or item to raffle, please let me know.
Many, many thanks to you all in advance. Looking forward to the meeting and seeing you all in Poughkeepsie.
P.S. Don’t forget to submit your abstracts by Friday (Jan 11th) and arrange your accommodations for the meeting!
Susan F. Cushman, PhD
NYC-AFS President-elect
Department of Biology & Finger Lakes Institute
Hobart & William Smith Colleges
Geneva, NY 14456
E: [email protected]
O: 315-781-3599